Category: Education News


NASA Challenge Invites Artemis Generation Coders to Johnson Space Center

[ad_1] NASA’s Office of STEM Engagement has selected seven student teams to participate in a culminating event for the 2024 App Development Challenge (ADC), one of the agency’s Artemis Student Challenges, at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. The coding challenge invites middle and high school student teams to contribute to deep space exploration missions […]

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Student-Built Robots Clash at Competition Supported by NASA-JPL

[ad_1] Hand-crafted robots, constructed over the past two months by 44 high school teams, duked it out at the FIRST Robotics Los Angeles regional competition. Student-made contraptions of a metal and a little magic battled each other in front of cheering and dancing high schoolers at the annual Los Angeles regional FIRST Robotics Competition over […]

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Diez maneras en que los estudiantes pueden prepararse para ser astronautas

[ad_1] ¿Quieres ser astronauta, pero no sabes por dónde empezar? ¡Estas son algunas maneras en las que puedes comenzar tu viaje! Incluso si no aún no reúnes los requisitos para ser astronauta, mediante la Oficina de Participación STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas) de la NASA, u OSTEM, hay formas de participar en las misiones […]

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NASA, Partners Select Universities for CubeSat Summer Program

[ad_1] Eight university teams have been selected to work with NASA and the U.S. military to improve their small satellite proposals, ultimately increasing the possibility of flying their technology in space, and potentially launching their own careers in the space industry. NASA’s CSLI (CubeSat Launch Initiative) is partnering with the U.S. Air Force and U.S. […]

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NASA, Salisbury U. Enact Agreement for Workforce Development  

[ad_1] NASA and Salisbury University (SU) in Maryland signed a collaborative Space Act Agreement Thursday, March 28, 2024, opening new opportunities at the agency’s Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia for students in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. The agreement forges a formal partnership to identify research and engineering projects and activities at Wallops […]

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NASA Awards Promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Math Nationwide

[ad_1] NASA is awarding approximately $3.7 million to 17 museums, science centers, and other informal education institutions as part of an initiative to ignite STEM excitement. The money will go toward projects that inspire students and their learning support systems to take an active role in the wonder of science, technology, engineering, and math.   […]

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NASA Commits $28 Million to Underfunded US Jurisdictions

[ad_1] NASA has awarded $28 million to fund the next five years of research infrastructure development across 28 jurisdictions. [ad_2] Source link

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ASTRO CAMP Team at Stennis Reaches Out to Children of Migrant Workers

[ad_1] This summer, the NASA ASTRO CAMP Collaborative Partners (ACCP) team seated at Stennis Space Center went beyond usual efforts to reach large nontraditional audiences, most specifically children of Hispanic migrant workers in Yuma, Arizona. [ad_2] Source link

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Five Ways to Celebrate National STEM Day with NASA

[ad_1] National STEM Day recognizes the ways science, technology, engineering, and math benefit humanity on Earth and in space. NASA’s greatest accomplishments and most ambitious plans are made possible by the explorers, engineers, scientists, and leaders who harness the STEM expertise of our top-notch workforce. [ad_2] Source link

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STEM-a-Thon Event Headlines American Education Week for NASA

[ad_1] NASA hosts its 2021 STEM-a-Thon this week, a series of activities and engagements aimed at sparking interest in careers and broadening student participation in science, technology, engineering, and math. [ad_2] Source link

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