Category: Technology


La NASA lanza la misión Equity y solicita comentarios del público para ampliar el acceso

[ad_1] La NASA lanza la Misión Equity (equidad, en español), un esfuerzo integral para evaluar la expansión y modificación de programas, compras de suministros, becas, y políticas de la agencia y examinar qué obstáculos y desafíos potenciales existen para las comunidades que históricamente están subrepresentadas y desatendidas. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Launches Mission Equity, Seeks Public Input to Broaden Access

[ad_1] NASA is launching Mission Equity, a comprehensive effort to assess expanding and modifying agency programs, procurements, grants, and policies, and examine what potential barriers and challenges exist for communities that are historically underrepresented and underserved. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Selects New Science Investigations for Future Moon Deliveries

[ad_1] As NASA continues plans for multiple commercial deliveries to the Moon’s surface per year, the agency has selected three new scientific investigation payload suites to advance understanding of Earth’s nearest neighbor. [ad_2] Source link

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Teams Engineer Complex Human Tissues, Win Top Prizes in NASA Challenge

[ad_1] Two teams of scientists from the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine (WFIRM) in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, have won first and second place in NASA’s Vascular Tissue Challenge. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Administrator Statement on US Innovation and Competitiveness Act

[ad_1] NASA Administrator Bill Nelson released the following statement Tuesday after the Senate passage of the U.S. Innovation and Competitiveness Act. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Awards Universities $1.4M for Space Station, Suborbital Research

[ad_1] NASA has awarded $1.4 million to nine universities and organizations across the country for research and technology development projects in areas critical to the agency’s mission, including studying radiation effects and growing food for long-duration space travel. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Selects Postdoctoral Program Research Support Contractor

[ad_1] NASA has selected Oak Ridge Associated Universities (ORAU) of Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to provide the agency with administrative support and coordination of research opportunities between NASA’s mission directorates and centers across the agency. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Highlights Winners of Challenge to Engineer Human Tissue

[ad_1] NASA will announce the first- and second-place winners of the Vascular Tissue Challenge, a prize competition to grow and sustain functioning human tissue in a lab, Wednesday, June 9. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA to Air Briefing, Spacewalks to Install New Station Solar Arrays

[ad_1] Expedition 65 astronauts will conduct two spacewalks – one Wednesday, June 16, and the other Sunday, June 20 – to install new solar arrays to help power the International Space Station. [ad_2] Source link

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NASA Administrator Statement on Meeting with Roscosmos

[ad_1] NASA Administrator Bill Nelson released the following statement after an introductory call Friday with Roscosmos General Director Dmitry Rogozin: [ad_2] Source link

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